Test Directory A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Last Name Last Name Company Name 376 total members First Name Last Name Email Company Name COE Date Status First Name John Last Name P. Shea Email shearealestategroup@gmail.com Company Name Shea Real Estate Group First Name Melissa Last Name Parent Email ParentRealty@gmail.com Company Name Virtual Properties Realty COE Date 11.29.2021 First Name Josh Last Name Parker Email joshparkerrealestate@gmail.com Company Name The Homestore, LLC COE Date 12.6.2021 First Name Lisa Last Name Parker Email lisa@lisaparkerrealtygroup.com Company Name Realty One Group Edge COE Date N/A First Name Donna Last Name Pasdon Email pasdondy@aol.com Company Name Keller Williams Atlanta Partners-Loganville COE Date 2.6.2021 First Name Cindy Last Name Patat Email cindypatat1959@gmail.com Company Name Malcom & Malcom COE Date 5.3.24 First Name Debbie Last Name Patrick Email debbiempatrick@yahoo.com Company Name Keller Wiliams - Braselton COE Date 5.3.24 First Name Karen Last Name Paul Email karen.paul@exprealty.com Company Name ExP Realty COE Date 5.3.2021 First Name Jessica Last Name Pedreira Email jesmp88@gmail.com Company Name Virtual Properties Realty COE Date 5.17.2023 First Name Clairissa Last Name Pequignot Email clairp0611@gmail.com Company Name Real Broker, LLC First Name Joey Last Name Perry Email jperry99@icloud.com Company Name Progressive Realty LLC COE Date 12.31.2021 First Name Anita Last Name Peters Email a.y.peters@att.net Company Name Peters Realty Professionals COE Date 10.22.2024 First Name Athena Last Name Pharr Email athenapharr@gmail.com Company Name Athena Pharr Realty COE Date 7.14.2022 First Name Deborah Last Name Pharr Email deborahpharr@yahoo.com Company Name Athena Pharr Realty First Name Barbara Last Name Phillips Email barbaraphillips1986@gmail.com Company Name Georgia Cornerstone Realty COE Date 09.7.2024 First Name Kyle Last Name Phillips Email kyle@alphainspections.com Company Name Alpha Inspections and Environmental Status Afiliate First Name Melissa Last Name Phillips Email melissa@thephillipslegacy.com Company Name Keller Williams-Snellville COE Date 12.30.2021 First Name Angela Last Name Pierce Email angelapierce@remax.net Company Name Re/Max Center COE Date 5.3.24 First Name Tabatha Last Name Pittaluga Email tabatha.pittaluga@kw.com Company Name Keller Williams-Snellville COE Date 8.30.2022 First Name George Last Name Pitts Email gmpitts1@gmail.com Company Name The Home Store LLC COE Date 10.22.2024 First Name Dawn Last Name Polk Email dawnbullockpolk@gmail.com Company Name Keller Wiliams - Braselton COE Date 12.14.2021 First Name Justin Last Name Pollard Email jstephen.roos@gmail.com Company Name Realty One Group Edge Status 2nd First Name Keith Last Name Prather Email keith_prather@yahoo.com Company Name Southern Classic Realtors COE Date 10.30.2021 First Name Charles Last Name Preston Email storageofmonroe@gmail.com Company Name Storage of Monroe Status Affiliate First Name Jennifer Last Name Preston Email j.preston0803@gmail.com Company Name Malcom & Malcom Realty Professionals COE Date 5.3.24 First Name Sandra Last Name Preston Email sandraprestonrealtor@gmail.com Company Name Re/Max Center COE Date 3.19.2024 First Name Amy Last Name Price Email amypricerealestate@gmail.com Company Name Keller Williams Atlanta Partners COE Date 12.31.2021 First Name Mary Grace Last Name Price Email office@baker-groupllc.som Company Name George W Baker Company COE Date 8.31.2022 Status Needed First Name Kasey Last Name Prince Email KaseyPrince@gmail.com Company Name Keller Williams-Loganville COE Date 10.22.2024 First Name Susan Last Name Prince Email theprincegroup@kw.com Company Name Keller Williams-Loganville COE Date 11.16.2021 First Name Emily Last Name Proctor Email ehamlyn@yahoo.com Company Name The HomeStore LLC First Name Joe Last Name Pulliam Email joepulliam420@yahoo.com Company Name Progressive Realty COE Date 4.26.2024 First Name Joy Last Name Purvis Email purvisproperties@yahoo.com Company Name Purvis Properties COE Date 12/24/2019 First Name Nathan Last Name Purvis Email nathanepurvis@gmail.com Company Name Purvis Realty Group